Idea: Offer the first X Founder NFT buyers a logo placement on our homepage

UPDATE: This is only for website placement eligibility. A separate vetting process would be needed to make sure we only highlight legit people/orgs who believe in the cause.

One of our first valuable assets is our website and blog. I think there are probably other DAOs or companies who would like to be associated with JournoDAO for visitors of our website.

What does everyone think of creating a “Sponsors” section of our website where early founders can display their logo? Maybe 5-10 spots?

This might help have a clear value prop for the first people who take the leap into supporting us …


I think this makes sense. The only obvious potential downside I can think of is the perception or appearance of buying influence, but the other side of this is that a journalism organization should be transparent about where its funding comes from when possible. Is there the possibility of any voting rights coming with this NFT down the road? And if so, would we want to consider capping the number of NFTs a wallet/person/address can buy? Would prevent, say Facebook from coming in and buying up all the founder NFTs to shut down our troublesome meddling. :wink:


I really like the idea of limiting each wallet to 1 Founder NFT. The DAO may decide to offer voting rights to them later on, but I don’t think that should be part of the plan at the offset and we should make clear our reservations about the idea for later consideration.

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Also, see my update in the post …

I really like this idea. If we roll with it, I’ll reach out to Unlock and some other connections that would be a good fit and see if they’d like to sponsor.

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Does limiting to one wallet really mitigate a Sybil attack? If someone is motivated enough, wouldn’t they just create multiple wallets?
I’m unaware of an easy way to avoid this, though. :-/

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Yeah, it’s a pretty weak protection so we’d need to have some people looking into applications to make sure it’s all 1:1 …

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